#GivingTuesday: ‘Tis the Season for GiveBack DC

Amidst deadlines and milestones, it’s easy to forget the importance of community giving. But not at WDG.
Two years ago, we founded an in-house giving initiative, GiveBack DC, to provide pro bono website services to local non-profits in need. Committing these services has helped non-profits put their missions on a digital map, something WDG is proud of.
One of the non-profits we were privileged to work for was DC Diaper Bank. Led by executive director Corinne Cannon, DCDB is an incredibly impactful non-profit devoted to supplying clean diapers to babies and families in the DC-metropolitan area.
As Corinne told us, the benefits of clean diapers do not end with healthy, happy babies:
Diapers are truly a gateway resource to engage families in social services. Families who will not reach out for food or medical services will reach out for diapers and, in reaching out, they form a connection with a social worker or a case manager they can return to for other services.
To help support DCDB this holiday season, GiveBack DC is hosting its first holiday diaper drive. But we can’t do it alone.
How Can You Help?
- Visit WDG’s Amazon Wish List for a complete list of items and supplies needed by DC Diaper Bank.
- Then, ship them directly to WDG’s Old Town office. We’ll take care of the rest.
With your support, we can ensure that babies stay healthy during the winter months. We hope you can join us!