Even More Must Have Tools for Web Developers

A couple months back, our awesome developer, Kurtis, gave you the lowdown on some Must Have Tools for Developers that make their jobs easier, and more efficient. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a new, updated list of must have developer tools our team couldn’t, well, develop without.

Our developers weigh in:


Need access to your databases when you’re on the go? Check out Navicat. It’s a great database administration tool that goes beyond the call of duty. This thing can sync data between servers, create remote backups, ER Diagrams, and even connect to a remote database via http tunnel.


The simpler, cleaner mac-polished version of Navicat. It may not do as much yet, but it could be huge. Still in beta.


Grunt is our favorite task-runner tool. Built on top a Node.js, Grunt lets you automate any task—whether its unit testing or minification—in order to make your job a whole lot easier. Grunt also reduces the amount of effort it takes to prepare production assets. This has the added benefit of encouraging consistency for all your developers.


With Bower, you can handle your application’s front-end dependencies in manageable packages. Because Bower uses a flat dependency tree, the page load of each package is drastically reduced. Plus it pairs nicely with grunt!


A simple scaffold for starting up and maintaining new projects, Yeoman is a great tool when working on automating your development workflows.
Learn how to get started with Yeoman, Grunt, and Bower.

Tower 2

The original Tower was a great resource for working with your code repository. Tower 2 has added quite a few new features, but the most notable are the visual diff tool, automatic fetching (to keep your local copy up to date), better native account support for Github/Beanstalk/Bit bucket, and built-in git-flow support.

JSONView Chrome Extension

It’s true: reading all that raw JSON data on Chrome can be a chore. JSONView reformats the data and documents so they are more easily viewed. This saves you the hassle of downloading or rendering the data as text.


Mou is a nifty markdown editor that lets you write in simple-to-read formats that can be easily converted into HTML. Some cool features include live preview, sync scroll, auto-save, and HTML and PDF export.

Cloud App

Share screenshots, documents, audio and video, bookmarks…A better question is what can’t you share with this tool.

For even more must have developer tools, make sure to check out Kurtis’ original blog post. Interested in learning more or getting started on a new website? Get in touch with us–our WordPress and Drupal developers are experts at what they do.

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