Weekly Rollup Feb 4th – 8th
February has come. Despite the cold temperatures, the few times we’ve been hit with snow we’ve been left with nothing more than a little lawn decoration. As we wrap up this week our friends to the north are getting pummeled by their own version of the Snowpocalypse, the supermassive storm that left DC under the most snow in quite a long time.
Just like the snowstorms of olde, WDG is undergoing its own fresh coatings, but in our case it’s paint, polish, and sweat.
The new year brought on our takeover of the space next door. As the old tenants moved out we put together our plans, picked our colors, and let our dreams loose. While we waited we collected bad web habits from some of our followers and friends. The idea was to collect these bad web habits, write them on the wall to be torn down, and let our team take the first cracks at bringing that wall down! Take a look at the full #WDGrowth campaign.

Take a look at the animated gifs we put together as well as the live stream.
1 Year!
Congratulations are in order for Danielle and Grant. They just celebrated their 1 year anniversary at WDG. They’ve each been a huge addition to the team. You guys rock!
The New Guy
We are pleased to announce our most recent team member, Dario. He’s already jumped in the deep end with some of our upcoming project, adding another interesting personality to the mix. Make sure you take a look at his full bio.
Vajaah and Mike participated in an international hackathon to end domestic violence. Their team, the Domestic Violence Database, placed 3rd overall. The team hopes to continue development to provide a means for people and organizations to get more information about domestic violence resources worldwide, like shelters, legal aid, and getting a job.
You can see the result of their work at the Domestic Violence Database website.
We’ve shared a number of resources this week worth mentioning again if you didn’t catch them on Twitter or Facebook.
Using Web Debugging Proxies – Nettuts+ article on getting better tools to debug your code.
‘Handmade Food Typography’ Recipe Book, Tells Of A Chef Who Falls In Love – Nina Harcus new book combines food and typography.
250,000 twitter accounts hacked! – were you one of them?
The Next Web labs takes on email – adding their gauntlet to the ring.
The @Sony World Photography Awards shortlists are out – get some inspiration.
Extraordinary heat-sensitive stationery makes for a compelling touch experience – by Bureau Rabensteiner.
Kirby: The Flat-File CMS – sounds like there are more and more small, alternative CMSes.
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